Thursday, June 5, 2008

On to the Home Visit!

Despite my current funk, I am a wee bit excited that we have apparently passed the phone interview because I got an email yesterday to set up our home visit! I'm having whiplash this is going so quickly.

So, Sunday the home front will be visited by a volunteer with the rescue organization with her Golden in tow to inspect the premises. There will be a fence inspection to see if enterprising dogs can get out of the enclosure (we have a 6-foot wooden fence around the whole backyard) and there is also a grooming demonstration. Don't quite know what that will entail!

I think I will keep the kitties locked away for the visit to keep the hissing and swatting at a minimum.


JellyBelly said...

how exciting! i hope that the kitties behave themselves!

Tiffany said...

Thats wonderful! Congrats!

Erin said...

Oh this is good progress! I am sure that fence should be good, we put up the same type of fence for our girl (although not a golden).

Keep us updated!

Emily (Apron Strings) said...

Woo-hoo! So excited for you! Can't wait for an update!